Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Deadly Combo: Caffeine, Violent TV or Video Games & Prescription Drugs, Says MD

  • “The confused systems of our society are suicidal, but we don’t have to participate..” Dr. Richard Ruhling
  • Mixing gateway drugs like caffeine and alcohol, with TV or video violence and Rx drugs is a prescription for disaster.

    “Isn’t it time for parents, teachers, and the medical profession to recognize mounting evidence that prescription drugs can be deadly in kids that use caffeine and have a focus of violence?” asks Dr. Richard Ruhling, citing the 26 dead and 20 more shot at a Texas church.

    Reid Mosis, 26, a classmate said Kelley (shooter) was “always a bit of a loner. I know his parents had him on heavy doses of meds in middle school.” WorldNetDaily, 11/06/17.  

    If readers Google ‘violence and prescription drugs,’ 23,400,000 results include articles by physicians and the National Institutes of Health reporting Prescription Drugs Associated with…Violence Towards Others

    The NIH article said, “Acts of violence towards others are a genuine and serious adverse drug event,” so why does Congress give big Pharma what they want, if it isn’t because they get $400 million/year in help for their re-election campaigns? asks Ruhling, citing Dr. Marica Angell’s 60 Minutes interview years ago.

    Ruhling notes that caffeine is a gateway drug that creates a need for other drugs to calm the nerves that caffeine stimulates. This is why coffee and a cigarette go so well together. Russian scientist, Dr. Pavlov called coffee “Bad Habit Glue” because people overwork, overeat, watch TV and would never get to work in time if they didn’t have their coffee to get going—it glues their bad habits together.

    By the time kids get to middle school (as the Texas shooter did) they are often diagnosed as Attention Deficit Disorder and are taking prescription drugs that don’t cure the problem and can make it worse, says Ruhling who cites the NIH article that antidepressant drugs were “the most strongly and consistently implicated drugs” associated with violence.

    “Video games cause violence”—type it into Google for another 15,700,000 results reported by news, professional journals and laymen. TV is the gateway media for violence with cartoons for kids and movies for adults. Knowing that the violence is fiction doesn’t alter the brain’s focus and appetite for more until some get so hyped that they do it.

    “Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik [communist] forever.” – Vladimir Lenin. This might be paraphrased, “Start a kid on the legal drug, caffeine, and the mind drugs of violence or sex, and they may be ruined for life, which is why desperate parents take them for Rx drugs.”

    And why do people do it? They brought their kids into the world, but are unwilling to do what is right in teaching them. Mothers join dads in the workplace for the sake of more money while they lose their kids to TV and similar social and school influences. Isn’t it time to take responsibility?

    Why should women want equality in the work place when they had a better position in the home? If they don’t think so, they shouldn’t be bringing kids into the world that are their responsibility. This is not against the millions of moms who work hard because you-know-who isn’t around.

    If God can bless those things that He has cursed, then may God bless America!

    Dr. Richard Ruhling is a retired physician who writes about current events and Bible topics. His latest ebook, “God Bless America?”  has been well-liked,  http://amzn.to/2grtEQx  

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Total Health
    Contact Person: Dr. Richard Ruhling
    Email: Ruhling7@juno.com
    Phone No: 9285837543
    State: Arizona
    Country: United States
    Website Url: http://RichardRuhling.com

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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